Yamalube® Synthetic 10W-40 10w30,4L

44,32 €
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Synthetic high performance engine oil, especially developed for 4-stroke Outboard Engines and 4-stroke Personal Watercrafts when performing under normal conditions. Developed, tested and approved by Yamaha Motor marine.

  • Exceeds API SJ standards
  • Good anti-wear protection
  • Good anti-oxidant action to protect and keep engine parts clean
  • Long lasting protection against engine stress, resulting in smooth operation of engine
  • Improved detergency and dispersancy, keeping the egine clean and thus preserving its power and fuel efficiency
  • Also in grade 10W-30 for cold-flow performance for less wear at low temperatures
Več informacij
Maloprodajna cena 27.57
Custom product properties 10w30,4L
Proizvajalci Yamaha
Product Tmpl Id 30794